Welcome Everyone, The Gang’s All Here
Hello and welcome to secondcaptains.com! Thanks for coming this far… but now that you’re here, what on earth have we to talk about?
Well, lots actually. Because if you’ve arrived here, then maybe you’re interested in joining the Second Captains World Service, the centre-piece of our next chapter.
But first, some thanks. We’ve had four great years with the Irish Times, and they’ve allowed us to create a wonderful new audience for our podcasts. Over the course of almost 800 shows, we’ve developed a brilliant relationship with the paper, and that will endure.
So onto the next move. If you’ve been listening over the last few weeks, then you’ll know the Second Captains World Service is our independent, member-led online station that allows you to listen to all your favourite Second Captains-produced podcasts, every day of the week.
If you want to join and can stand the wait no longer, then just click here.
We’re using a new partner to provide you with our 6 new shows a week. We chose Patreon.com because it’s a safe, secure, transparent and established platform for what we’re trying to do. Their help desk provides constant support, and there are no ‘premium’ prices, or lengthy commitments required. Everybody pays the same and our members control how successful the World Service is.

No Macúls were murdered for this photo
So go investigate the new secondcaptains.com – discover our latest stories and programmes, find out where you’ll be able to buy tickets for live events and how you can contact us directly to voice your displeasure at Eoin’s Poems.
And if you’re ready, join us for the Second Captains World Service, and discover all the benefits coming your way as a member.
The internet has been around long enough for everyone to see that either people support the kinds of shows they want, or advertisers will dictate the kind of shows they get. The moment ‘news’ became monetised was the moment the Donald Trump presidential campaign was given its life-force! So let’s try something different. Through the world service, we want to create a direct relationship with our listeners. This is how we can keep doing shows that we want to make, and that you want to hear. This stands or falls on your support.
We remain faithfully yours,
Second Captains xx